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The Appeal Process
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One of the West Virginia Environmental Quality Board's purposes is to adjudicate environmental appeals in a fair, efficient and equitable manner for the people of West Virginia. You should address all appeal related documents and materials to the Clerk of the Boards.

View docket of pending cases before the Board.

Citizens and regulated persons may file an appeal with the Board pursuant to WV Code Section 22B-1-1 and following. Additionally, the Board's procedural rule 46CSR4 is available for your review under Statutes and Regulations. Appeals are to be filed within thirty days of the permit applicant's receipt of the permit or order. To assist you through the appeal process we have provided the following information:

appeal process Sample of Notice of Appeal Sample of a Certificate of Service Ex Parte Communications Appealing the Board's Final Order Final Orders Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law Hearing Agreed Order Discovery Motions Certified File Intervenor How to File an Appeal
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Site Last Updated July 1, 2024
Above Photographs by Ron Snow
Copyright 2012 West Virginia Environmental Quality Board
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